Just Hear Those {USA-Made} Sleigh Bells Jingling
On this morning in 1941, the Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor, killing 2,300 members of the American military. The Navy and Marine Corps suffered 2,117 deaths and 779 wounded, while the Army had 228 killed and 113 seriously wounded. These Americans surely didn't wake up on the morning of December 7th thinking: Today I will die for my country. But as military personnel, they were trained warriors. Anything could happen. These Americans--and hundreds of thousands after them--put themselves in harm's way so that you and I would have the freedoms we enjoy day in, day out. Foggy days, sunny days, rainy days, snowy days; windy days: every single amazing day.
And so, as we buy gifts this Christmas season, wouldn't the experience have more meaning if we thought about where and how those gifts were made? What if our gift choices did double-duty: delighted the receivers and honored our country's warriors, past and present? To me, purchasing gifts Made in the USA is a proactive way to take a stand, show I care, put money to mouth and say thanks.
Drum roll, please: CAMJ's Twelve Days of Christmas, American Style.
Day One
Heard of Lehman's? Such old-fashioned fun. Hundreds of USA-made products (and some imports; check carefully before you choose). My favorites are those made in Amish country. Here are a couple of items to get you started:
Lehman's Sleigh Bell Door Hangers: $8.95
Yup, real honest to goodness American-made jingle bells. From lehmans.com:
Jingle all the way through the holiday season with these traditional door hangers. Six 1½"OD sleigh bells are mounted on handcrafted black leather straps with a leather tie for easy hanging.
Hang from any doorknob, or in the center of a wreath or swag to greet anyone who passes by with the merry ring of sleigh bells.
1"W, 14¼"L (without hanging tie), ½ lb
Handmade here in Ohio's Amish country.
But wait, there's more! Have a horse? Wish you did? Want real sleigh bells, like the ones in 1940's-era movies? Something Bing Crosby-ish? Check out Lehman's Authentic Solid Brass Sleigh Bells ($89.95). Here's the description:
The clear, bright ring of sleigh bells on a wintry day is unmistakable. However you use them, their melodic ring will be music to everyone's ears this season.
Solid cast brass bells mounted on handsome black leather straps with shiny brass buckles
Fully functional on sleigh harnesses
A stunning showpiece (and a charming doorbell) when hung on your front door
Drape on a mantel or even display down the middle of the dining room table
Single Strap: smallest bell 1-1/4"OD, largest bell 3"OD
Double Strap: smallest bell 1-1/4"OD, largest bell 2"OD
Jingle all the way! Happy shopping, fellow Americans! More to come...